Addressing the Rohingya Crisis and aiming to bring the perpetrators of the heinous crime in Rohingya to the International Criminal Court .ICC

All J4R staffs and members are volunteers without any payment


Addressing the Rohingya Crisis and aiming to bring the perpetrators of the heinous crime in Rohingya to the International Criminal Court. ICC

All J4R staffs and members are volunteers without any payment


“We are turning to other avenues of justice because sadly, the UN Security Council is not doing enough,” says Mr Tun Khin.

Justice More Important Than Ever as Rohingya Mark Bleak Anniversary

It was six years ago today, on August 25, 2017, that the Myanmar military poured into Rakhine State and unleashed unimaginable violence on my people, the Rohingya. Over the course of a few weeks, soldiers and their proxies killed thousands of women, men, and children, burned whole villages to the ground, and drove close to 800,000 people to flee into Bangladesh.

It is a source of shame for the world that six years later, not only do the Rohingya remain a people on the brink of extinction, but the architects of the genocide against us remain in power in Myanmar. Despite this, Rohingya and the people of Myanmar have largely been forgotten on the world stage, with other crises dominating global headlines. It is now high time that the world takes action to end the genocide against the Rohingya, starting with supporting the international justice efforts.

The ‘undesirables’

Six years since the escalation of violence and their persecution in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims are seeking justice and a safe path home

An eerie silence hung over the hamlet of Tha Win Chaung in Muangdaw town on August 28, 2017, as families stayed home in fear of what would happen next.

Three days earlier, Myanmar’s military had begun a violent crackdown on the country’s Rohingya Muslim population. Soldiers marched through villages and towns in northern Rakhine, burning buildings, raping women, and killing indiscriminately in what they called “clearance operations”.  The army said it was fighting “terrorists” and denied attacking civilians.

Rohingya sue Facebook for £150bn over Myanmar genocide

This article is more than 10 months old

Victims in US and UK legal action accuse social media firm of failing to prevent incitement of violence


Read More…


Justice For Rohingya – Press Realese –

Date 25th August 2022

Dr Sheikh Ramzy, director of Justice for Rohingya UK, welcomed the UK’s government’s decision to join the ICJ to bring justice to the Rohingya people. 
Sheikh said it is time to save all the Rohingya people and settle them back in their country, Myanmar. They are still suffering with no basic human rights in no man’s land. We must unite to save their lives and bring justice and peace to these most tormented & torchured people on our planet. Bless you all and help the Rohingya. God bless you all. Please share the news.

Justice For Rohingya – Press Realese –

Date 22nd July 2022

Justice4Rohingya Conference on Genocide

Justice 4 Rohingya UK holding a conference on supporting Argentina and (Tun Khin ) on bringing the Burma generals to the court of Justice for the crime of genocide against Rohingya people.

Dr Ramzy director of J4R said we never give up until bringing justice to Rohingya people.

The peace price winner Aung Sun Su Kyi who was tortured by the Burmese Army tells the ICG that the army did not commit genocide against the 78,000 rohingyan people and all accusations are lies.

Aung San Suu Kyi tells court: Myanmar genocide claims ‘factually misleading

De facto PM defends actions of government, saying attacks were initiated by insurgents

Inhumane to turn away Rohingya refugees, says Dr M

Concentration camps in Myanmar are no less than death camps. Genocide happening there while the world stops helping. Please help to save Rohingya people. United we will bring peace and justice to these poor people. Please look at the attachments.

We all should give full support to Justice4Rohingya

Sheikh Ramzy director of Justice 4 Rohingya said:

This is a humanitarian crisis and Malaysia has a responsibility to help Rohingya people. they cannot let the people die. I ask all UK citizen to lobby the UK government to talk to the Malaysia Government about these poor and desperate Rohingya people. It seems they are stranded in the see and are not allowed to come to the land.

Malaysia: Allow Rohingya Refugees Ashore


by | Jul 23, 2018



Sheikh Ramzy said : in Oxford we all removed her freedom of city of Oxford and we all trying to remove her honorary doctorate from Oxford university

She does not deserve it as we believe she is a potential criminal.

She has faced international condemnation over her failure to denounce the military for its treatment of Rohingya people amid widespread reports of their abuse in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), where she is de facto leader.

Rohingya genocide is still going on, says top UN investigator

Head of fact-finding mission says Myanmar’s leaders are denying abuse of Muslim group


Genocide is still taking place against Rohingya Muslims remaining in Myanmar and the government is increasingly demonstrating that it has no interest in establishing a fully functioning democracy, according to UN investigators.

Gambia files Rohingya genocide case against Myanmar at UN court

“This decision is a great moment for justice for Rohingya, and for all people of Burma,” said Tun Khin, president of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK, referring to the country by its former name. “We are pleased that this landmark genocide trial can now finally begin in earnest.”

Genocide case against Myanmar over Rohingya atrocities cleared to proceed

Tun Khin, president of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK, said objections filed by Myanmar were an attempt to slow proceedings, and that oppression of Rohingya continues. “For a year and a half the case has been delayed and every day the genocide continues. Laws and policies designed to make life unbearable and drive Rohingya out of Myanmar are part of the genocide and continue despite provisional measures ordered by the court,” he said, referring to a previous court order instructing Myanmar to do all it can to protect Rohingya from genocide as the case, which will take years, proceeds.

Tun Khin called on the UK to join the Gambia and back the case. “The UK claims international leadership on Myanmar but it’s Gambia, not the UK which has been leading,” he said. The Netherlands and Canada are supporting the Gambia.

UN court rejects Myanmar claims, will hear Rohingya case

Tun Khin, president of the Burmese Rohingya Organization UK, welcomed the decision, saying 600,000 Rohingya “are still facing genocide,” while “one million people in Bangladesh camps, they are waiting for a hope for justice.

Maldives Hires Amal Clooney To Fight For Rohingya Muslims At UN Court


important notice

Please all write to Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP
secretary of state for International Development and high light the issues
Please look at the letter
It can save lives.

Please fill the petition and email back to us, @

The Crisis

The Rohingya people of Myanmar (Burma) are facing intense and extreme violence on an extensive scale.

The United Nations has stated that the attacks were well organized, coordinated and systematic, ‘not only to drive out the population in droves but to prevent the fleeing Rohingya victims from returning to their homes.’ Children and the elderly have been burnt in their homes.

Civilians shot as they flee. Mass use of gang-rape, including soldiers gang-raping girls as young as five. Children deliberately targeted and killed. Babies snatched from their parent’s arms and thrown alive into fires. Victims, including children, forced to watch relatives and loved ones tortured and killed. All the while, the international community looks on and does nothing.

These injustices in Myanmar cannot continue. Our organization exists in order to raise awareness of the crisis in Myanmar and to organize a legal campaign to bring the perpetrators of these heinous crimes to justice.                                                                                                                                                               

Letter From foreign Office to Justice for Rohingya UK

Dear Robin Marsh,

Thank you for your message sent on 10 January to the Foreign Secretary. The Asia Pacific Directorate of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has been asked to reply on behalf of the Foreign Secretary as this issue falls under our geographical remit.

Heather Wheeler, Minister for Asia and the Pacific, issued a statement on 23 January welcoming the International Court of Justice’s decision on provisional measures. We also worked with partners to secure a meeting of the UN Security Council, on 4 February, to discuss the Court’s decision. The UK has consistently expressed its profound concern at the horrific events of August 2017 in Rakhine state. The UK has urged the government of Myanmar to comply with the legally binding provisional measures to ensure that the Rohingya are protected.

The UK was instrumental in establishing the UN Fact Finding Mission (FFM) and was a strong supporter of its mandate throughout its term. We have consistently welcomed the FFM’s reports and recommendations and have worked hard to implement its recommendations. In particular, we worked closely with the EU and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to secure a resolution to establish the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM), which is collecting and preserving evidence of atrocities committed in Myanmar. The IIMM became operational in September 2019.

It will not advance the cause of accountability if an attempted International Criminal Court (ICC) referral fails to win Security Council support. Such a result could entrench the sense of impunity within the Myanmar military.

Although the UK did not agree with much of analysis contained in the Independent Commission of Enquiry’s report, its admission of atrocities and its recommendations are an important first step towards meaningful domestic accountability. The UK calls on Myanmar to implement the Commission’s recommendations and hope to see a meaningful, domestic judicial process to deliver justice for victims.

The Rohingya crisis will not be resolved without constructive support from the region. We believe ASEAN has a significant role to play. The UK regularly raises the issue of the Rohingya crisis with ASEAN member states and the secretariat in Jakarta. We worked closely with partners to deliver the ASEM Foreign Ministers communique in November 2019 which called for the creation of the conditions conducive to safe, dignified, sustainable and voluntary returns, stressed the importance of accountability and of the Rakhine Advisory Commission’s recommendations. We call upon ASEAN member states to work constructively on improving conditions in Rakhine.

The UK government remains committed to supporting justice for victims, including the Rohingya, the promotion of human rights and democracy and a better future for all the people of Myanmar.

Yours sincerely,

Asia Pacific Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

This email is intended for the addressee(s) only. All messages sent and received by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office may be monitored in line with relevant UK legislation

Justice for Rohingya UK conference in – London Central Mosque

Many excellent guest speaker MPs, Lords. Lord Mayors, lawyers’ barristers and experts in Rohingya Genocide faith leaders, all talked about unity to bring the perpetrator of Rohingya Genocide to the criminal court.

Dr Ramzy said we never stop until bring these evil people to Justice

UPF Myanmar situation, the similarity of Genocide between Rohingya people and Holocaust genocide,

Sheikh Ramzy shows on power points the similarity of these two Genocides and all to unite to being the perpetrators of both genocides to court of Justice.

Aung San Suu Kyi Stripped of Freedom of Oxford ,Sheikh Ramzy start and support a motion in oxford city council to Aung San Suu Kyi Stripped of Freedom of Oxford over Rohingya Violence. A great news for all

Myanmar Genocide, event Remembering genocide in Rohingya an event by Muslim Aid in(Birmingham). Sheikh said I spoke to secretary general of UN about this and he stayed silence on the genocide. Please listen to the talk.

Demonstration in central Oxford Against Genocide in Burma. Sheikh many participated to show their concern about this evil act of Burma government. Sheikh Ramzy said we all must united to being peace and justice to Rohinga people.

Genocide in Myanmar, a video that show people are dying and will die more in we stay silence. We all need to unite with one voice to bring justice and peace to these rohinga people. As thy are the most tortured people in the world.
ethnic cleansing and Genocide in Myanmar, where is the Justice where is the voice for these voiceless people. peace and Justice for the world.

Last Updated 25/07/2022